National Academy of Science
Governance: Information relevant to the daily operations and governance of the WAC Forestry Program.
- Forestry Program Handbook: Created to help users understand the specific policies that govern the WAC Forestry Program. The contents of this booklet have evolved from The Watershed Forest Ad Hoc Task Force’s “Policy Recommendations for the Watersheds of New York City’s Water Supply”, aka The Green Book, published in July 1996.
- The Green Book (Policy Recommendations for the Watersheds of New York City’s Water Supply): Describes the important relationship between forests and water quality in the NYC Watershed. The Green Book also contains recommendations that have guided the development of the Forestry Program over the past 22 years.
- Sample Forestry Committee Packet: The Forestry Program Committee meets six times each year and governs the strategic direction of the Program. This is a sample of the materials members receive so they can effectively execute the Committee’s fiduciary, strategic and generative oversight roles.
Planning: Provides forest landowners within the NYC Watershed with financial incentives and technical support to help them conserve their forestland.
- Forestry 480a White Paper: Summarizes the results of an evaluation of past Planning Program efforts and recommends improvements to increase effectiveness. The recommendations in this report have been adopted.
- Forestry MyWoodlot White Paper: A companion to the Forestry 480a White Paper, this document builds on the findings of the evaluation and suggests additional Program refinements to better support forest landowners in the Watershed. The recommendations in this report have been adopted.
- CAI White Paper: Conservation Awareness Index (CAI) assesses landowner awareness of key forest conservation knowledge. This report summarizes the development of CAI as an evaluation tool outside the Watershed and its use within the Watershed. CAI is the tool the Forestry Program will use to evaluate the effectiveness of its Planning and Landowner Education programs.
Implementation: Provides loggers, foresters and forest landowners with financial incentives and technical assistance to help them implement forest stewardship practices and protect water quality on active logging jobs.
- 2017 DEP Implementation Report: A sample of a report that summarizes annual Implementation Program accomplishments. Previous reports and the underlying raw data are available upon request.
- GIS Harvest Analysis Committee Report: Summarizes the results of a study conducted by the Forestry Program that used GIS and machine learning to identify the location of timber harvests in the Watershed between 2013 and 2015 using aerial photographs. This report includes a section on the implications of the study on the Forestry Program’s BMP Implementation Program.
- MAP Refinements: Summarizes the accomplishments of the Management Assistance Program (MAP) and methods for improving effectiveness. The recommendations in this report have been adopted.
Education & Training: Increases awareness among forest landowners of key conservation knowledge. Provides teachers (upstate watershed and NYC) and students (upstate watershed and NYC) with knowledge about the connection between forests and water quality and the NYC Watershed. Encourages loggers to adopt and practice logging techniques that enhance safety and protect water quality.
- WAC UREI Report 2017: A sample of a report that summarizes annual Urban/Rural Education Initiative (UREI) accomplishments. Previous reports and the underlying raw data are available upon request.
- 2017 Logger Training Report: A sample of a report that summarizes annual Logger Training accomplishments. Previous reports and the underlying raw data are available upon request.
- 2017 Landowner Education Report: A sample of a report that summarizes annual Landowner Education accomplishments. Previous reports and the underlying raw data are available upon request.
Research & Demonstration: Conducts research and evaluation relevant to Forestry Program efforts. Provides demonstration areas where scientific knowledge regarding forests and water quality can be disseminated to loggers, landowners, foresters, teachers, students and the general public.
- Watershed Research Bibliography: Provides in one location a list of all forestry related Watershed research. This list includes research funded by WAC as well as projects that used the Watershed region as their research focus. Each citation includes a brief description of the study, its findings and how it impacted our Programs.
- 2017 Model Forest Annual Report: A sample of a report that summarizes annual Model Forest Program accomplishments. Previous reports and the underlying raw data are available upon request.