Read the MARCH 2022 enews here
Business Planning: To support the development of professional economic viability business plans for NYC West of Hudson Watershed farm or forestry businesses in order to better position these businesses for improved economic profitability and sustainability. Funding:$2,000 per applicant per fiscal year.
To view eligibility and to apply online please visit us here.
Farms & Forests Transition Reimbursement Program:
Our goal is to support farm operations with property inside the NYC West of Hudson Watershed seeking professional services in transition, estate planning or succession planning! Funding: $5,000 per applicant per fiscal year.
To view eligibility and to apply online please visit us here.
Open Enrollment: The Watershed Agricultural Council will be accepting applications on a rolling basis for both of these programs.
We are currently advertising for our Nutrient Management Soil Sampling Interns who will be visiting many of our NYC Watershed farms this summer. Our interns will start
sampling at the end of May and will continue into August. They plan to sample 1600+ fields.

All of our soil samples are sent to the Dairy One AgroOne lab in Ithaca, NY. As results come back, Nutrient Management Planners update field maps and send sample results and new spreading maps to the farms that were soil sampled.
For more information on Soil Sampling check out this brochure.
To learn more about becoming an intern this summer click here.

It’s mud season – now is the time to take some TLC classes!
We have 2 core classes coming up with some availability:
April 8th: Game of Logging Level 1 (Catskills Area)
April 9th: Forest Ecology & Silviculture (Hamden, NY)
Call 518-622-9820 to register.
And a Continuing Education class:
April 29th: Stream Crossings & Permits (Conesville, NY)
Call 607-865-7790 x 119 to register.
Click here for more information.