
The Forestry Program’s education and training efforts are currently focused on loggers, teachers, and students.

WAC’s Logger Training Initiative strengthens the knowledge and skills of loggers, helping them to be more productive and safer in the woods. WAC hosts 8 or more workshops for loggers annually. Examples of topics include: chainsaw safety, silviculture, forest ecology, erosion control methods, bird habitat, log truck maintenance, logger rescue, and water quality. Since its inception the Logger Training initiative has trained more than 3,000 loggers.

The Urban/Rural Education Initiative reaches teachers and students from rural and urban communities in the New York City Watershed through hands-on discovery and investigation of the water supply system and the special role healthy forests play in protecting water quality.  This approach is characterized by three core efforts: the Watershed Forestry Institute for Teachers (WFIT), the Watershed Forestry Bus Tour Program and the Green Connections Program.

Urban/Rural Education Initiative Brochure (PDF)