
Monitoring & Whole Farm Plan Annual Status Reviews
Yearly monitoring of WAC Conservation Easements includes one aerial monitoring and one land-based inspection with the landowner present to discuss any changes that may have occurred since the last visit. Please see the Conservation Easement Monitoring Guideline or call your Stewardship Specialist for more information.
Monitoring is managed using a predetermined calendar, which schedules property visits by month. At the monitoring visit, a Ground Monitoring Form is used to identify all activities that may require CE Program staff or Easement Committee attention. Back at the WAC office, the Stewardship Database allows the Stewardship Specialist to quantify and qualify all activities occurring on all properties, as well as, manage the history of a conservation easement dating back to the original grantor (landowner) and, if applicable, the original Whole Farm Plan (“WFP”).
Additionally, CE Program staff (specifically, the Conservation Planner) conducts separate monitoring and review of the WFPs on eased properties through an Annual Status Review (“ASR”). WFPs are conservation plans designed to mitigate environmental concerns and to protect water resources. Anyone whose property is eased and engages in commercial agriculture is required to have a current and active WFP. ASRs are utilized to identify which WFPs require revisions. Revisions to Whole Farm Plans become necessary when a change in the farm’s agricultural operations, activities, or livestock under management occurs. The Conservation Planner coordinates with WAC’s Agricultural Program to prioritize needed revisions.