Hamden, NY- In an effort to continue conserving and protecting working land in the watershed, the Watershed Agricultural has expanded our Conservation Easement Program to include forest lands.
Since 2001, The Watershed Agricultural Council’s (WAC) Easement Program has expanded to include more than 25,000 acres of land committed to conservation. Through support from program participants, partnering agencies and the New York City Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), WAC’s conservation footprint marks one of the largest private land protection efforts in New York State.
Building upon the great success of WAC’s Forestry Program, we are pleased to announce that similar easement opportunities are now available exclusively to protect working forest-lands. As part of a select group of landowners currently supporting local forestry initiatives, you may be eligible to participate in WAC’s Forest Conservation Easement pilot program. Conservation Easements (CE) allow landowners the unique opportunity to realize cash equity in their property, while retaining ownership and continuing to promote our region’s unique forestry heritage.
WAC is committed to the future of forestry in the NYC Watershed by preserving land, promoting sound forestry practices and maintaining the economic viability of working lands.
For more information on agricultural and forestry easements, contact the Easement Program at 607-865-7790 ext. 100.