Education & Outreach
Education & Outreach
Each model forest offers opportunities for demonstration and education. Key topics include:
- Proper design and implementation of best management practices (BMPs)
- Impact of various silvicultural treatments and harvesting regimes on forest stand productivity and cycling of nitrogen and phosphorous, including their delivery to streams
- Linkages between timber harvesting and increased turbidity and sedimentation in receiving waters and the ultimate impact on aquatic biota
The roads that provide access to these forests display the three major parameters that determine BMP effectiveness — soil type, slope, and watershed characteristics (i.e., size, runoff, and location of site within watershed). The access systems offer practical and effective examples of how to minimize sedimentation through the use of long standing BMP techniques, such as culverts and broad-based dips, while promoting the adoption of state-of-the-art BMP techniques, such as geotextile fabric to stabilize soil.
The model forests also offer an opportunity to demonstrate how the balance between a working landscape and water quality can be maintained while providing a practical means of studying and monitoring the effects of forest management on ecosystem functions and water quality.
Interpretive signs are situated throughout each model forest that describe forest management activities occurring within the demonstration blocks while addressing the importance of protecting water quality given specific site conditions. Additionally, educational scripts targeting specific audiences and group tours can be developed to provide more in-depth information, particularly for professional audiences such as foresters who require more detail.
For upcoming workshops, demonstrations and other events at the model forests, please click here.