Echo Farm, located at 91 Spring Street, South Salem, NY 10590 is seeking bids for Heavy Use Area Protection, Fencing, Concrete Dumpster Pad and a Washwater Infiltration System to be funded by the Watershed Agricultural Council. Prospective bidders will receive a bid package which contains a bid sheet with instructions to bidders, sample contract, plans and specifications. Bid packages may be obtained by contacting Aimee Forshee at the Watershed Program via email at [email protected]. It is mandatory for the prospective bidders to be in attendance for the full group site showing at 10:00 a.m. on Monday, April 7, 2025, at Echo Farm. Failure to attend will result in the rejection of your bid. Sealed bids must be clearly marked “Echo Farm Bid” and will be accepted on behalf of the landowner at the East of Hudson Agricultural Program Office at 2 Route 164, Patterson, NY 12563 until 10:00 a.m. on Monday, April 21, 2025, where bids will be opened. Small and minority owned businesses are encouraged to apply. The Watershed Agricultural Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids. E.O.E.
Projects are listed as available and based on implementation schedules, available program funding and program capacity.